Create an Azure Kubernetes Cluster
Access the Kubernetes Services menu in the Azure portal.
Click +Create.
After the cluster is created, click on Connect.
Open Cloud Shell or the Azure CLI.
For Azure CLI, first you need to authenticate with your admin account with
az login
- Export your subscription ID:
export SUBSCRIPTION_ID="__your_subscription_id__"
export RESOURCEGROUP_NAME="__your_resourgroup_name__"
export CLUSTER_NAME="__your_cluster_name__"
- Create a Service Principal account on you cluster subscription scope, with the following command:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name bunny-1 --scopes /subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID --role Contributor
The output below will be used to connect to Bunnyshell. Use these variables to connect Bunnyshell to the cluster as following:
as Access Key IDpassword
as Secret Access Keytenant
as Tenant ID
"appId": "a2fa3a00-256c-490d-8ba7-d0b4b5c7437c",
"displayName": "bunny-1",
"password": "gq6BMG19b~ph.jcrvFd.V.xiK0rrJpPEr4",
"tenant": "a8924c17-eb1e-417d-b46a-3bbc09ce4c25"
- Connect to the cluster
az account set --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION_ID
az aks get-credentials --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP_NAME --name $CLUSTER_NAME --file kubeconfig.yaml
These will generate the ./kubeconfig.yaml
file. Copy:
as you will need them to connect the cluster to Bunnyshell.
Updated over 1 year ago