Create an Azure Kubernetes Cluster

  1. Access the Kubernetes Services menu in the Azure portal.

  2. Click +Create.

  3. After the cluster is created, click on Connect.

  4. Open Cloud Shell or the Azure CLI.


For Azure CLI, first you need to authenticate with your admin account with az login.

  1. Export your subscription ID:
export SUBSCRIPTION_ID="__your_subscription_id__"
export RESOURCEGROUP_NAME="__your_resourgroup_name__"
export CLUSTER_NAME="__your_cluster_name__"
  1. Create a Service Principal account on you cluster subscription scope, with the following command:

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name bunny-1 --scopes /subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID --role Contributor
  1. The output below will be used to connect to Bunnyshell. Use these variables to connect Bunnyshell to the cluster as following:

    • appId as Access Key ID
    • password as Secret Access Key
    • tenant as Tenant ID
  "appId": "a2fa3a00-256c-490d-8ba7-d0b4b5c7437c",
  "displayName": "bunny-1",
  "password": "gq6BMG19b~ph.jcrvFd.V.xiK0rrJpPEr4",
  "tenant": "a8924c17-eb1e-417d-b46a-3bbc09ce4c25"
  1. Connect to the cluster
az account set --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION_ID
az aks get-credentials --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP_NAME --name $CLUSTER_NAME --file kubeconfig.yaml

These will generate the ./kubeconfig.yaml file. Copy:

  • clusters.[...].name
  • clusters.[...].cluster.server
  • clusters.[...].cluster.certificate-authority-data
    as you will need them to connect the cluster to Bunnyshell.