Azure Kubernetes Cluster


In this article we're going to take a look at how you can create a Microsoft Azure Kubernetes cluster and how you can connect the cluster to Bunnyshell.

First, we will explore how to create the cluster:

Once you have an Azure Kubernetes cluster available, we will explore how to connect it with Bunnyshell:


Connect an Azure Kubernetes cluster to Bunnyshell

Prerequisites for connecting the cluster


Connecting your cluster

  1. Go to the Bunnyshell platform and click Integrations on the left-side menu.

  1. Click Kubernetes clusters on the left side of the main interface.

  2. Click Connect cluster.

  1. Select Microsoft Azure.

  1. A new window should pop-up now. When establishing the connection, Bunnyshell will ask for the following credentials:

  • Cluster name: Choose what name your cluster will have in Bunnyshell.
  • Azure Cloud cluster name: Corresponds to clusters.[...] from .kube/config
  • Cluster URL: Corresponds to clusters.[...].cluster.server from .kube/config
  • Certificate: Corresponds to clusters.[...].cluster.certificate-authority-data from .kube/config
  • Group: The name of the Resource group. Access the cluster Overview page in Microsoft Azure to retrieve it.
  • Access Key ID: corresponds to appId from the command az ad sp create-for-rbac ran earlier
  • Secret Access Key: corresponds to password from the command az ad sp create-for-rbac ran earlier
  • Tenant ID: corresponds to tenant from the command az ad sp create-for-rbac ran earlier