Components & workflows

Component kinds

The kinds of Components used in this guide are:

Image Builds

The image builds are performed with Kaniko, either in your cluster or one of Bunnyshell's managed clusters.

The properties - we hope - are pretty self-explanatory, but if you have any doubts or concerns, do not hesitate to check out the DockerImage Component page.


The sequence in which the deploy was executed is controlled by the dependsOn attribute.

All component deployments which do not depend on others will be started as soon as possible, and will be ran in parallel. This is a principle in the way workflows are handled in Bunnyshell.


More details are available in the Deploy Workflow page.


Starting is executed similarly with the Deploy, except the attribute from which scripts are exected is start.


Stopping executes stop scripts from all Components in parallel.


Destroying executes destroy scripts from all Components in parallel.