Connect services

Using Environment variables

Communication between services is done at the Component level, but it's mandatory to have the Service URLs configurable.

To communicate with a service, its host is read from the Env Vars available to the application.


Bunnyshell Interpolation Values

Bunnyshell facilitates the configuration of URLs in a dynamic manner. This you'll be able to use the Environment definition as a template to create other environments easily.


See a list of available values to use in the Variables Interpolation page.


Encryption / Security

All the variables you defined in Bunnyshell are encrypted and stored in our database, regardless of whether they're marked as a Secret or not.

A Secret only has obfuscation of the values in the UI, offering screen-share protection.


Variable Inheritance mechanism

Variables are computed at deploy time, and are a result of merging Project, Environment and Application / Service variables.

Environment variables override Project variables.

Component variables override both Environment and Project variables .


Editing Env Vars

The Environment Variables are variables available in Bunnyshell at 3 levels:

  • Project
  • Environment
  • Component (either application or service)

These variables can be created and edited both from both the User Interface and the bunnyshell.yaml file.


Project Variables

Information about Project Variables is available in the Project Variables section.


Environment Variables

Environment variables can be edited from both the user interface and the bunnyshell.yaml file.

From the User Interface

Information about Environment Variables is available in the Environment Variables section.

From the bunnyshell.yaml file

In bunnyshell.yaml environmentVariables is a topmost property defined in the form of a YAML map.




Environment variables are automatically inherited in all applications, services, and databases inside the Environment.

Environment variables override Project variables.

Environment variables can be overridden by Component variables (Application or Service).


Component Variables

Component variables can be edited from both the user interface and the bunnyshell.yaml file.

From the User Interface

Information about Component Variables is available in the Component Variables section.

From the bunnyshell.yaml file

Component Environment Variables can be edited from their dockerCompose.environment property under the Component definition, or from the UI.

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