Start Remote Development
You need to follow the steps described in Exclusive remote files to start the Remote Development session.
- Run the command.
$ bns remote-development up --component 6dGRQrvz8W --sync-mode none --no-tty
∙●∙ Fetching API data...
- Enter the remote path.
$ bns remote-development up --component 6dGRQrvz8W --sync-mode none --no-tty
? Remote Path
You can also pass the remote path using the command parameter --remote-sync-path
or -r
- Wait for the pod to be ready and copy the SSH Config file path.
$ bns remote-development up --component bLzVRA1z61 --sync-mode none --no-tty
? Select container api
? Remote Path /var/www
Pod is ready for Remote Development.
You can find the SSH Config file in /Users/myuser/.bunnyshell/remote-dev/ssh-config
Updated over 1 year ago