Helm Overview


Deployment part of the complete guide

This section is part of the Bunnyshell Quickstart Guide.

In order to see other Environment creation & deployment methods, please visit the Create & Deploy the Environment page.


In this guide, you will be taking a Helm Chart and a Kubernetes Manifest from the Demo Books app and create an environment with them.



The Demo Repository

As part of this guide, we crafted a simple repository for a demo application, named Bunnyshell Books.

You can choose to run this on local, or directly in Bunnyshell.

  • Running Locally

    • Fork & clone the repository
    • Run the commands described in the Deployment section to deploy the Helm Chart and Kubernetes manifest to any (local) cluster you have a working kubectl connection.
  • Running in Bunnyshell

    • Fork & clone the repository
    • Create an environment and add an application
    • Follow the instructions presenteed in the Define the Environment section from this guide
    • Deploy the Environment


You will need your own Kubernetes cluster if you want to play around with Helm Charts. If you don't have a cluster at hand, these guides could help.