Prepare repository for Custom Templates

Folder structure

Bunnyshell looks for templates in a predefined folder, which must be located in the root of the repository: .bunnyshell/templates. Inside this folder, each Template must reside in a separate sub-folder, eg .bunnyshell/templates/{template-key}.


File structure

Each Template folder must contain 3 files:

  • template.yaml: contains template metadata
  • bunnyshell.yaml: contains the Environment definition
  • standard markdown, used as the detailed description



The only required fields for the Template metadata are name and discoverable, which controls whether a template is imported into Bunnyshell or not.

Example of a metadata file:

name: Express.js (NodeJS) + React + PostgreSQL
description: This app is a CRUD example, composed out of one frontend, one backend service and one database. Its purpose is to illustrate how you can quickly get started with Bunnyshell.
   - nodejs
   - express
   - react
   - postgres
icons: [ 'nodejs', 'express', 'react', 'postgres' ]
    - name: Node.js
      version: '18'
    - name: Express.js
      version: '4.18'
    - name: React
      version: '17.02'
    - name: PostgreSQL
      version: '15.2'
discoverable: true

And the detail page it produces (alongside the, displayed in the right half).


Available icons include: angular, django, dotnet, drupal, elastic, express, flask, go, helm, java, kubernetes,laravel, magento, mailhog, maria, mongo, mysql, nest, nginx, nodejs, oracle, php, postgres, python, rabbitmq, rails, react, redis, ruby, spring, springboot, sqlserver, sylius, symfony, terminal, terraform, typescript, varnish, vue.



For the configuration file, please visit the dedicated documentation section.